


Question by  jessica79 (61)

What is the formula fro finding circumference?


Answer by  Joe80 (866)

Circumference is calculated by multiplying the value of pi(3.14) by 2 to the radius of the circle. Or using the following formula: 2 X pi X r.


Answer by  kusco (6)

The circumfrence of a circle is 2(Pi)r, or in other words; 2 times 3.14 times the Radius. Ex. If you had a circle with a diameter of 10, to find the circumfrence you would divide the diameter in half, (to find the radius), then multiply it by Pi, then by two; 2 x 3.14 x 5 = 31.4


Answer by  MathTeacher (299)

To find the distance around a circle, which is known as the circumference, you must first measure the diameter and then multiply this value by pi. The diameter of a circle is a chord that runs through the center point, and the value of pi is approximately 3.14.

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