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dental care


Question by  Lola39 (2)

What is the estimated cost of a dental bone graft?

My insurance won't cover it.


Answer by  joanneclancy (41)

Depending on which part of the jaw, whether it's an upper or lower jaw, and how much bone loss has occurred, your cost could range anywhere from $1000 to as high as $10,000.


Answer by  Jess54 (95)

Depends on the type of graft, size of the area that needs to be reconstructed or regenerated and the area where you live. Could be anywhere from $1200 to $10000


Answer by  jpmilesdds (10)

That depends on what kind of bone graft you're talking about. Bone grafts can be used to repair periodontal defects, bony defects preparatory to implant placement of ridge augmentation for fixed prostheses. The cost will also depend on what material is being used. It can be autogenous (taken from somewhere else in the body) or a synthetic material.


Answer by  harifulameen (33)

Cost of dental bone graft depend on the amount of bone graft required. Normally its average cost coming from $200 to $950. Normally most of the medical insurance not covering dental treatment but some of them covering. So we need to take more care while selecting medical insurance and need to check which areas covering

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