health procedures


Question by  Julie (172)

What is the cost of a blood test?


Answer by  lmhayes (9)

Blood test costs can vary with the blood test request, laboratory facility, and insurance. Insurance may cover the blood tests or fees can be in the hundreds of dollars.


Answer by  JustMeKC (341)

That is completely dependent upon what testing you have done, the lab and the area you live in. Prices are all over the place for this.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

Blood tests are relatively inexpensive. If you doctor ordered a blood test, depending on your insurance, you may not even have to pay for the blood test. Sometimes people do blood tests to determine paternity. These types of tests are also relatively inexpensive. While tests can become expensive, blood and urine tests are not typically expensive.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

This is a difficult question to answer as wqritten. Their are numerous test that can be called a 'blood test'. So are relatively cheap (75-100 dollars), some are exteremly costly (300 and higher). Additionally where you have it will affected the price. Country health clinic- Cheapest, at the hospital- highest

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