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Question by  Israel72 (17)

What is the capital of Brazil?


Answer by  MarkWatrous (729)

The capital city of Brazil is Brasilia. Brasilia is called the Distrito Federal in the same way we call our capital city Washington in the District of Columbia. Brasilia is 4,225 miles from Washington, DC. Brasilia is a very new city, it was created in 1960. The population of Brasilia is a little over 2.5 million people.


Answer by  candywwgm (55)

The country of Brazil is found in South America and is the largest country on the continent. The capital city is called Brasilia and was inaugurated on April 21st, 1960.


Answer by  Jeanne72 (436)

The capital of Brazil is coincidentally Brasilia. This is very easy to remember so do not forget when it is already somewhat given.

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