


Question by  mac83 (14)

What is the best way to ripen an avocado?


Answer by  elaine (450)

Choose a counter top that does not receive any direct sun. You can turn it once a day. But the main component is patience. Some will never ripen for having been frozen or otherwise mistreated in getting it to you.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

To ripen an avocado, one should place it in a brown paper bag. Place an apple in the bag. When it is easy to peel, it will be ready to eat!


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

The best and quickest way to ripen an avocado would be to place it in a brown paper bag. This technique also works well with peaches, nectarines, and mangoes.


Answer by  jamie1 (291)

The simple and quickest way is to put the avocado in a brown paper bag. Then you will need to store is somewhere that is dark like a cabinet.


Answer by  MzKitty (273)

In order to ripen an avocado in the best way to insure flavor, take the semi-ripened or non-ripe fruit and place it into a small paper bag. Place the bag in your window seal where it will not be to hot and leave alone for a few days until ripe.

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