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Question by  peterwang (41)

What is the best way to repair bowed basement walls?


Answer by  askandyoushallreceive (658)

Just go ahead and replace the existing wall. If the walls are bowed it is from some sort of damage, whether its heat, water, or all of the above it's best just to replace it all. Check and be aware of support beams in the walls. Also, make sure all codes are up to date.


Answer by  jangell700 (101)

To repair your walls you need to contact a contractor in your area that deals with lifting the house and pushing the walls out so they are in the proper alignment as they should be. Digging away from the sides of the house might be needed as well, or taking some weight off the walls from upstairs.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

The problem probably lies in the drywall sagging. Removing the drywall or surface treatment and replacing it could be the easy solution. If you find the stud wall behind the surface treatment sagging, then you have structural problems with your house.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

"Best-way" is installing builders'-support-jacks, and (one-section at a time): excavating exterior, re-builing basement-wall, and back-filling. More commonly: exterior is excavated, anchor-plates are set on both-sides of basement-wall, and anchor-plates are gradually screwed together pulling basement-wall back into place. Your "Poor-drainage" problem needs to be fixed; freezing/wet-soil usually bows basement-walls.


Answer by  sarsie1 (92)

Tie backs are probably the best and cheapest way. It is also important to make sure your soil is compatible and may need to change that.


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

Look at the outside of the house. Check the foundation and see if it needs reenforcing or adding of steel bars to stablize the concrete blocks.

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