home remedies


Question by  Lucy77 (13)

What is the best way to go about treating a smashed finger?


Answer by  motliec (183)

First place ice on the finger to reduce the swelling. If possible, try to immobilize the finger with a store bought finger splint or even a popsicle stick cut down to size and tape it onto the finger. Over-the-counter pain medications can be taken for pain.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

If there is uncontrollable bleeding or the joints do not bend, go to the doctor or emergency room. Otherwise, ice it, by wrapping it or soaking it in iced water.


Answer by  dherrera (21)

If a bone may be broken, the patient needs to visit the ER. If not the best treatment is something cold which could be frozen bag of veggies.


Answer by  hrpoorna (155)

The smashed finger wont stand erect put a stick with the finger and tape it with cotton after treatment. Let the finger remain undisturbed till proper healing of the wounds.

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