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 hair  how to


Question by  hans (38)

What is the best way to go about covering gray hair?

My hair is about 75% gray.


Answer by  Romz (222)

The best way to covering gray hair is to use hair dye. There are specific products on the market made especially for men who wish to cover gray hair. They come in a variety of colors to give one the best natural look available. Hair dying is not a time consuming process.


Answer by  ps2 (103)

Covering grey hair seems to be different for men and women. Why? It's only hair after all. I find that my highlights cover a good deal of my grey. Also, the style matters.


Answer by  redhead13 (24)

Permanent hair color is the only real solution for covering gray hair. If you have a large amount of gray, say over 50%; you should consider permanent hair color. Highlights will not cover gray, but can help to blend the gray by hiding it among the highlights. See professional help whenever considering permanent color - it is permanent.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Gray hair is hard to cover. You can buy dyes that are specially formulated to cover gray hair. If you want the maximum results you should have your hair dyed by a professional. In order to totally cover gray hair you have to leave the dye on longer than if you were just coloring your hair. Read the directions.

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