dental care


Question by  worker9775 (22)

What is the best treatment for an abscessed tooth?


Answer by  SunnyStars (836)

See an experienced dentist immediately. An abscessed tooth can kill you! The dentist will fix or remove the tooth and then give you strong antibiotics. Take all of the antibiotics that your dentist prescribes. Schedule a follow up appointment with your dentist to make sure that the infection is gone.


Answer by  Scot (591)

The best treatment is to visit an endodontist; they specialize in root canals. In most cases, the fluid will be drained, medicine inserted in the space for about one week, and a new root canal will be performed. Within six months, new bone should grow in the space once occupied by fluid.


Answer by  DrBDent (14)

Dental abscesses occur when decay breaches the pulp chamber of the tooth, allowing bacteria to travel into supporting tissues. By this stage, your options are limited. Your dentist will advise you whether to either remove the tooth or have a root canal treatment. Antibiotics are a short term fix only.


Answer by  anne08 (124)

I suggest to have a Root canal surgery that is to remove any diseased root tissue after the infection has subsided. Right after that the dentist could place a crown over the tooth. Lastly, a third way to drain the abscess would be by incision into the swollen gum tissue that it have.

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