


Question by  toothpick51 (24)

What is the best overall breed of dog?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

There is no one answer to that question. It all depends on what you're looking for in a dog. What the best breed of dog for one person could be the worst breed of dog for another person. Look at the qualities you want in a dog then start looking at individual breeds to see which ones possess those qualities.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

There isn't one particular breed that you could give this to. However, they say the best dog as far as temperament goes it the Golden Retriever.


Answer by  gcmeyer2 (787)

The best overall breed really depends on your taste. Some people like big dogs like me. If you have a family and like big dogs then I would suggest a boxer. They are a bit hyper when they are young but they are the most loyal and nice dogs you will find out there.


Answer by  Barbie87 (277)

I own a Pit mix. In my opinion, this breed of dog is the most gentle, loving, and attentive. They are also very smart and goofy creatures.

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