

Question by  bhudson (54)

What is the best ear wax removal solution?

and can it not involve a q-tip or cotton swab? those scare me!


Answer by  KathyM21 (26)

Everyone's earwax production varies. A good homemade solution is 1/3 part water, 1/3 part white vinegar and 1/3 part hydrogen peroxide. Store bought Debrox works too.


Answer by  ahhmericanwoman (102)

Drop hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball. Lay on your side and squeeze 3 drops into ear. Leave for 5 minutes. Drain out. Repeat daily until problem is cleared.


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

The best ear wax removal tool that I've seen is the ear candle. The heat from the lit candle creates a vacuum that sucks out ear wax.


Answer by  Fritz (608)

Buy an ear wax removal kit at your local drugstore, or go to your doctor to have it removed. Don't put q-tips in your ear canal, as it can cause the wax to get embedded in the ear canal.

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