health conditions


Question by  ivym (34)

What is rheumatism?


Answer by  nurselisa (42)

Rhuematism is an old term for rhuematoid arthritis. The disease is often characterized by multiple painful, swollen and inflamed joints.


Answer by  carol (1241)

It is the general term for diseases of the joints, specifically arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, etc. It is not a term that describes any one specific disease.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Rheumatism is a medical term that generally refers to chronic pain with joints, bones, muscles and tendons. The most common disease associated with Rheumatism is Arthritis, in which joints become inflamed. Rheumatic diseases such as lupus can cause problems with internal organs as well.


Answer by  BrendaRaeC (12)

It is a condition that refers to inflammation of the joints. It can also affect the organs as well and is an autoimmune disorder.

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