

Question by  JamesJoiner (31)

What is renaissance fabric?


Answer by  cori (29)

Renaissance fabric is usually velvets and brocades in the beginning of the 14th century towards the end of the 14th century people were wearing dark silks and velvets in Europe. In Italy the first textile mill took after the designs of the mongols in which the Italians trade goods. The designs included dragons castles motifs and eagles


Answer by  tessamalk (466)

During the Renaissance, people made clothing from a lot of different material. Muslin and wool in natural shades were common for the lower-class, while the rich had access to silk and velvet (solid color and brocade) as well as more dyes to make pretty colors.


Answer by  Macro (122)

Clothes made of colorful, high quality materials such as silk, velvet, and things like that. They usually contain a wide variety of colors, and tend to be handmade for very high quality.


Answer by  liturk (45)

Renaissance fabric usually adorned on fancy drapes or footrests. It is ornate fabric in rich colors like gold, red and green, with intricate details. Sometimes there is a shine and pattern to the fabric. It may also be velvety. You can also see it used in renaissance clothing and sometimes on luxury items.

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