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Question by  shannon22 (27)

What is involved in fixing an overhead console computer on a Ford F-250?


Answer by  JohnHolmes (2660)

You will need to remove the console in order to replace it. Sometimes they can be reprogrammed at the Ford dealer but it is recommended that you replace it.


Answer by  green (31)

This assembly cannot be fixed. If it has failed, it will have to be replaced. Used units are the cheapest and usually work fine. Just unsnap the bulb cover for the dome light, remove two Phillips head screws, and the console will drop down. A couple of wiring connectors and clips and you are done.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

If you are going to even attempt to fix the overhead console computer on any vehicle, you need to make sure you know exactly what you are doing. Attempting to repair such delicate circuitry yourself can result in further damage, or even a voided warranty.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

There is a lot of wiring in the overhead console. It's probably not something you can fdo on your own.


Answer by  BeefStrule (690)

There's an interface called GlaxMax which was popular back in '83-'85. You're going to need 4 of those hooked up to your console computer. Boot it up and follow the instructions.

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