- Short Answers


Question by  Att4372 (1704)

What is involved in adopting foster children?


Answer by  Kisha (116)

You first have to see what child is available. Then you get acquainted with them and if they're the match for you. You file all the paper work which take about six months in total. It is very much so worth the process, these unfortunate children need a loving family to take care of them.


Answer by  RoxisRunner (87)

Adopting a child is a very difficult thing to achieve. You must pass a severe background check, as well as meet the minimum financial requirements to adopt the child. Then you must meet with the child to make the adoption agency thinks you two would be a match.


Answer by  miler (77)

If you are the caretaker for the children, i. e. a foster parent, you may depending on where you live be given preference in adopting a child for whom you are caring. Otherwise, you would need to go through the normal processes of adoption.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

Adopting foster children is an easy yet lengthy process. It is comprised of background checks and massive interviews with foster care agents. It is needing to prove and show that not only are you responsible but you're also financially able to care for a child.

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