

Question by  Eia (24)

What is going on when my body freezes up in pain after long periods of time?


Answer by  jonnyd (94)

It is a lack or circulation that causes that feeling. The lack of blood flow sends a sensation of freezing in the body. Simply moving around will help.


Answer by  Gary42 (23)

You could have a condition such as Multiple Schlerosis and need medical attention. You may be suffering from Reynard's Syndrome in which blood vessels constrict in response to cold.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

The freezing is due to the dehydration. When fluid content is cut shor your body finds it hard to fluctuate,leading to this prolem. Drink lot of water. Good luck.


Answer by  chen2 (508)

The muscles in your body go into a spasm, and might get very tight and you might feel sore and tired due to all these work the muscle is doing.

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