

Question by  CaseyThomas (34)

What is erysipelas?


Answer by  hegde (161)

Erysipelas is a disease in which there will be rash and inflammation on the skin and it is common among old people, children and infants. Initial symptoms include illness, fevers, chills, shaking, fatigue and vomiting.


Answer by  ashfaq (6)

Erysipelas is a superficial bacterial infection that involves the lymphatic system. Erysipelas is also known as St. Anthony's Fire. Erysipelas is generally caused by group streptococcus bacteria causing rashes on face.


Answer by  harriett (428)

Erysipelas is a type of skin infection also referred to as cellulitis. It is most often caused by the entrance of the Strep bacteria into a cut or sore. The patient may have localized or general fever and chills. The area itself will swell and be very painful. Antibiotics are needed to treat the infection.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

An acute streptococcus bacterial infection of the skin. Children, infants and the elderly are the most common at risk. The symptoms are fatique, headaches, shaking, chills, fevers and vomiting and general illness within 48 hours of initial infection. The skin lesions enlarge rapidly and has a sharply demarcated raised edge. Rash is painful. Can appear any part of skin.


Answer by  bl834 (1317)

It's a skin infection that's really red and has blisters, usually seen on the face or lower legs or forearms. I think it's a form of strep that causes it.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

It's a type of skin infection. Your health provider can give you more precise information on the disease and treatment.

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