what is


Question by  mturk79 (98)

What is an "incapacity benefit"?

Do you have to be permanently incapacitated?


Answer by  Speedy50 (47)

An incapacity benefit is a sort of government assistance one receives when one is physically unable to support themselves through working. You do not have to be permanently incapacitated; however the benefits are usually temporary and will cease once you are able to work again.


Answer by  monalily (218)

"incapacity benefit" is compensation given from the government to people suffering from any incapacity and consequently cannot work and earn for his living. Legally, the person must have a handicap and must produce documented evidence in order to be eligible for this compensation.


Answer by  priya29 (43)

Incapacity benefit is a weekly payment for people who become incapable of work because of illness or disability while under state pension age.

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