

Question by  brittany34 (26)

What is an ideal breastfeeding schedule for a 7 month old?


Answer by  Pandita (34)

Every three to four hours during the day if your child is sleeping through the night. 6 month old has been sleeping through the night since she 3 months. I feed :6am; 9 ; 12 noon; 3 ; 6pm then Solids 6:30 pm wake her at 930pm and dream feed at11pm

Reply by karenj159 (1):
thank you i was looking for the same info  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
why should I wake up a sleeping baby?  add a comment
Reply by Pandita (34):
you wake up the baby during your daytime so that he/she does not wake up at night to feed.  add a comment

Answer by  Rathi (108)

A seven month old baby should be given more of supplementary foods than breast milk. So it is beeter to give 3 or 4 times of breastmilk. In additions solids like cereals can be included. Vegetables like potato can be given. Fruits like apple can be boiled and smashed and given to the baby.

Reply by Pandita (34):
key word is suplement not replace. at this age they should breastfeed 5-8 times a day at 3-4 hour intervals  add a comment

Answer by  benjiross (993)

A seven month old can breast feed about 3-6 times a day, but should also eat soft solids, cereals, juices and soups in addition to breastfeeding.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

The mother must feed the child every two hours!She has to give some solid food like baby food in between.The feding may start from morning 4.00 o'clock.

posted by Anonymous
A 7 month old does not need to eat every 2 hours! Nor should they be starting the morning at 4am! 3-4 Times a day of breastmilk and 3 solids a day is plenty!  add a comment
Reply by Pandita (34):
if a 7 month old is hungry enough to eat every 2 hours and you have the time by all means do it but this is not what I would do  add a comment
Reply by thirdbaby (1):
who on earth wrote this post? what a load of nonsense. I have 3 children all breastfed and never heard such an ill-informed piece of advice. ask your health nurse not some random on a website with no idea!  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
We\'re talking about a 7 month old, not a 1 month old! 3-6 feedings /day is probably more typical, with solids 2-3/day. Older babies get more out of every nursing, so they don\'t need round the clock feeding.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
your comment does not make any sense! newborns eat every 2-3 hours because their stomaches are so small. why would an older infant eat every 2 hours? also, where does the 4 o'clock come from?  add a comment
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