

Question by  Steven (309)

What is an eldershostel?


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

This is like a reverse youth hostel. Elderhostels have accomedations similar to most youth hostels, but are for the more mature travlers. These are affordable, but not luxious accomendations for travlers.


Answer by  LucianX (37)

A program created by non-profit organizations for older adults, typically 55 and older, geared towards educational adventures and learning. With over 8,000 tours in the 50 US states and 90 other countries.


Answer by  griffinej5 (49)

An elder hostel is for people of retirement age that features educational travel. They feature trips around the world and attempt to keep prices low for participants.


Answer by  penrose (235)

Its basically like a youth hostel but for older folks. They have outings and group events. I haven't been to one, but I researched them for my mom and they look like a really great organization..


Answer by  Olive (1195)

An elderhostel is for those 55 and over who love to travel. They provide many services for traveling, including places to stay and other discounts.

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