what is


Question by  jagdaleomkar5 (25)

What is an air-cooled engine?

Aren't all engines air-cooled?


Answer by  NoblesseOblige (444)

Air-cooled engines rely almost completely on air that is cooler than the components of the engine rather than the closed-circuit coolant apparatus that most modern combustion engines use. Combustion engines are cooled by a coolant which drips through a radiator, which releases heat through the air, where air-cooled engines release heat directly into the air as its primary cooling mechanism.


Answer by  Big8 (17)

Most internal combustion engines rely on a closed tube circuit system that carries some form of liquid that absorbs heat in the system through a radiator or other exchanger system before expelling the exhaust in the air. Air cooled engines exhaust directly into the air without the liquid coolant process.

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