

Question by  nothing123 (5)

What is a really awesome/cute play for 5th graders?


Answer by  LillProphetsMom (71)

When I was in 5th grade, which was years ago, we did the play Ali Babba and the Forty Thieves, complete with costumes and scenery.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Have the students take their favorite piece of children's literature and create their own play. That way they will play the parts with more passion and you can include all kids. This can be a classroom project that reinforces literacy and fluent reading (of parts until they are learned). This project also demonstrates children's creativity.


Answer by  chellyz (53)

A rendition of Peter Pan would be a cute play for 5th graders. It has action and a love story so its great for boys and girls.

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