dental care


Question by  webweaver (83)

What is a possible arrestin use in dentistry?

I'd like to know when it might be used.


Answer by  stacykylemark (342)

Arrestin is a chemical that is placed around a tooth that displays "peridontal pocketing". These are areas immediately surrounding a tooth that has bone loss. Arrestin is suppose to help to repair the pocketing. Usually the dentist will place the arrestin and then have you back for a recall appointment to check the progress.


Answer by  idavid (385)

Arrestin, the brand name for minocycline, is used to aid in the fight against periodontal disease. Minocycline, an antibiotic, is used in conjunction with root planing and scaling. Arrestin comes in powder form of 1 mg.


Answer by  tuere27 (10)

Usually when the procedure of scaling is performed the dentist will use arrestin, which is an antibiotic used in dentistry. Using arrestin shows to be very effective in the field of dentistry to maintain cleanliness and prevent infection. A periodontist will usually recommend the use of arrestin, please follow their advice.


Answer by  di (13)

When gum pockets in your mouth begin to become problematic and painful dentists use Arrestin to kill localized bacteria as well as decrease the depth of gum pockets once your mouth has been properly cleaned. This is a form of Minocyclin which is similar to Tetracyclin and is used to clean out any bacteria.

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