

Question by  worker132321 (14)

What is a polar bond?


Answer by  ChemDoc (154)

A specific sub-type of covalent bond in which the bonding electrons between atoms are shared UNEQUALLY. This can only be the case when two atoms are non-equivalent in electronegativity, which governs how "electrophilic" (electron-loving) an atom is. Halogens such as Fluorine are high electronegative, and metalloids such as silicon are not. Ergo, a flourine-silicon bond would be highly polar.


Answer by  ScottHorn (232)

A polar bond is a type of bond wherein the electrons involved in the bond are shared unevenly between the two molecules, causing a dipole moment.


Answer by  Gabriel59 (21)

A polar bond is one that formes between atoms or molecules due to the electric density and electrostatic charge of them, they have a negative or positive electronic density and they attract because of this.

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