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Can I attach two routers to one modem?
Do you need a special modem for dsl internet access?
Does a dial-up modem go bad?
How do I go about finding out what type of internal modem I have?
Is my modem causing slow page loading?
Why do you need a modem?
Why is my Vista compatible modem not working?
computer hardware
Question by holly817 (2) Loading Data Please wait...
Answer by Amescu (29) Loading Data Please wait...
A modem is a modulator-demodulator which transfers a digital signal to an analog medium such as a phone line or cable TV service.
Answer by Kat123 (591) Loading Data Please wait...
A modem is the box that connect you to a WLAN. Whether that be through a cord, or the actual use of the Wi-Fi. It is mainly used for high-speed internet.
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