

Question by  hotmess (22)

What is a jackalope?


Answer by  swimsis (152)

A jackalope is a fictional animal made up of a rabbit body and horns like an antelope. I think the idea must have started from someone watching antelope run, because they actually bound and jump, and move a lot like a rabbit. It's comparable to a cabbit, which refers to a bob-tailed cat that moves like a rabbit.


Answer by  danielle (83)

It's a cross between a pygmy-deer and a killer rabbit, and one of the rarest animals found around the world. Being a very shy animal, none have ever been captured alive. Jackalopes are very dangerous animals and should not be approached for any reason. They are very unpredictable animals and do not favor the presence of humans.


Answer by  Robbie37 (93)

A jackalope is a mythological, make-believe creature that is half jack rabbit and half antelope, basically it looks like a brown rabbit with big ears and of course antlers. During the running of the earliest America's Funniest Home Videos the jackalope often made guest appearances on the show.


Answer by  Anonymous

I am a Jackalope

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