what is


Question by  xparadigmshiftx (114)

What is a hypothetical question?

I need to write several for a class assignment.


Answer by  contestador (46)

a hypothetical question is a question for which one does not expect and answer, but is asked in order to make a point or exemplify an issue. hypothetical questions may be irritating and directed at generating an emotional response or at presenting an issue for which the speaker does not want to reveal the motive.

posted by Anonymous
Isn't that a rhetorical question?  add a comment

Answer by  nuttree (1596)

A hypothetical question is a "what if" question based an assumption (or hypothesis) that may or may not be currently true. A hypothetical question explores the consequences of various possibilities, or the reasoning and attitudes of the person being questioned. E. g. : "If gas cost $20/gallon would people stop driving? "


Answer by  Anonymous

it is question that cannot be answered logically...and does not influence any situation if answered..

posted by Anonymous
I wouldn't be so sure about that.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

where it is not possible to give the correct answer


Answer by  gughan87 (4)

"is god there or not",,.... this is an hypothetical question!!!


Answer by  Anonymous

watch endhiran and you'll know..

posted by Anonymous
enthiran technically reveals hypothetic question by matter of a robot.  add a comment
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