health conditions


Question by  teja183 (7)

What is a hemangioma?

A friend's baby was just diagnosed.


Answer by  steve12 (342)

Hemangioma is a type of a benign tumor, which probably all of the people have few of them over the body, and it shouldn't be cause of worry.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

Hemangioma is a skin condition characterized by purple bumps that are non-cancerous and result from overgrowth of the small blood vessels. They are usually on the face or neck and most times will disappear by age ten.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

A hemangioma is a reddish purple benign tumor made up of blood vessels found on the skin. Many hemangiomas are found on the neck or face. Some of them are not treated if they are superficial. However, other more invasive hemangiomas may be treated with laser treatments or injected with steroids. Some over time may go away on their own.

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