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Question by  bpmock (140)

What is a half cousin?


Answer by  SADAF (119)

half cousin are those who are relative of your half siblings.suppose your dad married to a lady who has already children.the cousin of that children would be your half means they are blood connected with your step bother or sister born by your step mother from other person not your father.


Answer by  patti (29325)

If your mother/father had a half-sister/half-brother, the children of the half-sibling would be your half-cousins. The distinction is rarely made, however.


Answer by  Magen (36)

Half cousins are cousins who share only one grandparent. So the children of a group of half siblings are half cousins.


Answer by  Arin (247)

A parent has a half-sibling, who has a child. This is a half-cousin.

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