Are energy drinks unhealthy?
How do I make homemade energy drinks?
Is it safe to drink five hour energy drinks all the time?
What are some good recipes for Morningstar Farms products?
What is a good fat free spinach dip recipe?
What is a good recipe for massage oil?
What is a good simple homemade meal to make for someone who needs a dinner?
beverage recipes
Question by Cassi (33)
They're too expensive to buy.
Answer by cranston (33)
Juice 1 pound of Carrots, two apples, half a Lemon, a clove of Garlic and centimetre cube of Ginger, delicious and vitalizing.
Answer by jacqui (202)
When you need an energy "hit" try making ginseng tea, sweeten with honey, then when it cools, add a soluble vitamin tablet and a quarter teaspoonful of salt, top up with carbonated water.
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