

Question by  elsewhen (627)

What is a good gift to get for someone who has everything?


Answer by  stphaniecostello (159)

A person who has everything doesn't need more things. They might however, enjoy a gift certificate to attend a day spa. Concert or theater tickets are always appreciated by those who enjoy the arts. And of course you can never go wrong with tickets to a sporting event for your guy.


Answer by  Ssmallfry (26)

The game called Find It. It's a tube full of plastic pellets mixed with little items, and you shake the tube around trying to locate all of them. It sounds very simple, but it's actually quite entertaining and addictive!


Answer by  kaetien (47)

Gift cards provide a great flexibility to a gift for both the one who gives and the one who receives. Money towards a nice dinner at a good restaurant or to a coffee shop are excellent options, as well as cards to bath stores or department stores.


Answer by  notso (84)

A donation to a nonprofit they care about. A photo book of times spent with you, family, etc. Excellent food and drink. A hug.

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