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Question by  kamal57 (18)

What is a "feature story?"

I have to write one for school. It has to be true.


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

This is a type of newspaper story or one associated with journalism. It is not "hard news" but rather "soft news." It can be a variety of subjects, such as a personality profile, a story about someone with a cool hobby, a story about something interesting or different someone is doing, a story about a particular kind of pet, etc.


Answer by  jamie11 (604)

Feature stories are articles that you would write, similiar to a newspaper article. It can be written on any topic, but usually is something you know about that you think readers would like to read.


Answer by  yael (482)

It is a major story which will be the focus of the newsletter or newspaper. These are longer pieces that cover something of interest.

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