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Question by  tim79 (20)

What is a dual channel ddr2 sdram?


Answer by  Jessemcduffee (97)

What it does is gives you desktop memory that works through the PC when it is inserted into a slot. To get real technical it's real name is, double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory interface.The dual channe is a dual-channel-capable motherboard and two or more DDR, DDR2 SDRAM, or DDR3 SDRAM memory modules.


Answer by  jawedge (238)

Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM is a specific pair or set of pairs of computer memory chips that are all certified to be compatible with dual channel motherboards. The technology allows each bank of memory chips to work independantly of each other in communication with the processor, allowing for more streamlined performance in multi-tasking operating systems.


Answer by  jkroller (285)

DDR2 is the standard of ram. it determines how the pins are laid out, the card size and how it functions in the system. Dual channel means there are memory chips on both sides of the card and it can be controlled by two processor cores.


Answer by  mike9490 (81)

it sounds like something with 2 channels and ddr2 sdram. the sd in sdram is like a sd memory card or stick. ram is another kind of memory read only memory or something like that.

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