

Question by  choweric2005 (39)

What is a clef chin?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

This is a genetic trait which means if both parents have clefs, their children will as this is a dominant trait. The clef makes the chin kind of look divided up and down.


Answer by  Spokeys (247)

I assume you mean "cleft" chin. A cleft chin is just a dimple on the chin. Simple as that. Quite a bit of famous celebrities and the like have a cleft chin. For example, Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock have a cleft chin. Personally, I think cleft chins are kinda cute!


Answer by  KiruthikhaK (67)

This condition describes a clear rift in the chin, i. e. ,the tip of the chin is divided into two distinct parts like a valley. This is caused by genetic factors. Cleft chin is considered as a sign of beauty. Cleft chin can be corrected with cosmetic surgery.


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

A cleft chin has a dimple or line in the center, caused by a dominant gene passed from one's parents. It's basically an incomplete fusion of the jawbone during development.


Answer by  DStone (817)

A cleft in the chin is nothing more than a dimple that sometimes occurs. A cleft chin is a hereditary condition that commonly happens in males but is sometimes seen on females due to a recessive gene usually on the mother's side. Depending on it's depth, it's sometimes seen as a birth defect.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

A cleft chin is commonly called a 'butt chin'. It's when you have a dimple/ short line in the middle of your chin.


Answer by  tubeth2000 (104)

It is a small or large pockmark in the chin actually, it is an inheritance caused by malfunction of the lower jawbone to totally fuse. It makes no trouble, just a change in the appearance Parents with cleft chins sometimes get children with it, and sometimes they don't.

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