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Question by  xyz (30)

What is a brachial plexus nerve block?


Answer by  mave (62)

Brachial plexus nerve block is an injected local anesthesia (like lidocaine) injected near those nerves so that a procedure can be performed without the patient feeling it.


Answer by  ltb (26)

A brachial plexus nerve block is a type of anesthesia that will numb an entire arm, usually for some sort of surgical procedure. The brachial plexus is a group of 3 large nerves that run through the upper arm whose branches innervate the entire arm, all the way to the fingers.


Answer by  Babygirl19 (28)

This is a procedure an anethesiologist would use when someone is having surgery on their arm. The patient having this type of anethesia done can be awake and breathing on their own during the procedure while their arm is immobile and numb. Even after surgery the arm is numb and this also gives the patient pain relief.


Answer by  mike49 (373)

They are the peripheral nerve blocks used for a variety of surgical procedures. These blocks benefit over general and nueraxial anesthesia. It allows bypass of the phase I anesthetic recovery room, and mitigates issues known to prolong post anesthesia care unit stay, thereby decreasing cost. Peripheral nerve blocks also provide analgesia postoperatively with indwelling perineural cathers.


Answer by  jaimesgirl (1055)

The brachial plexus is a group of nerves found between the shoulder and the armpit on the chest wall. A brachial plexus nerve block is an injection of numbing medication that is designed to block pain sensations from traveling from these nerves to the brain. This is often done with arm surgery or shoulder injuries.

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