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Question by  triangular (148)

What exactly is technibond?


Answer by  epglaw (553)

Technibond is a plating process designed to lower the cost of buying gold jewelry. It has 40 mm of 18 karat Gold bonded to Sterling Silver. It is only sold by the Home Shopping Network or at its website. With each item purchased, you receive a lifetime manufacturer's warranty against damage to the complete piece, including plating and stones.

posted by Anonymous
WRONG thickness. 40 mm is a little more than 1.500"; may be the plating is 40 mills, or 1 micron millimeter.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Do you mean 4mm? 40 millimeters is something like two inches  add a comment
Reply by Laraine (0):
I purchased a Technibond necklace from HSN, it broke. HSN replaced it and had me send the broken one back to them. A few weeks later the replacement broke and upon contact HSN refuses to replace it. They say I am to receive a refund and then repurchase????????????????  add a comment

Answer by  Teacherspet (111)

Technibond is a brand name of jewelry sold on home shopping networks. Technibond refers to its namesake process of bonding a thin layer of precious metal over a base of semi-precious metal.

posted by Anonymous
Techinbond is not a bonding process but an electro-plating process, relatively inexpensive, just a wash of gold over sterling silver.  add a comment

Answer by  Che (425)

Technibond jewelry which is sold on the Home Shopping Channel, used a method which "bonds" real gold or platinum to sterling silver. It is supposed to look like the real thing and sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.


Answer by  wishfire (119)

Technibond is a line of jewelry that is rather frequently advertised on the Home Shopping Network (HSN). It combines two metals together to make the jewelry shown. The metals that seem to be commonly combined are gold and silver, but occassionallly, platinum is also used in the jewelry, making a "unique" finish.


Answer by  diane23 (1167)

Technibond is a jewelry plating process, exclusive to the Home Shopping Network. A layer of 14K gold, which is 40 micrometers thick, is applied over sterling silver to create the look of gold jewelry at a lower cost.


Answer by  Addy (162)

Like plating, technibond fuses a thin layer of gold or platinum onto another metal, like silver. Technibond is a registered trademark of the Home Shopping Network.

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