


Question by  kadaway (17)

What does the ignition switch do in a car?


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

The ignition switch of your car starts the engine. This in turn starts the flow of gas into the cylinders and ignites them with a spark plug. If the spark plug is not working correctly, you will hear the spark plug attempt to start once more. When you turn the ignition switch off, it cuts the power to the spark.

posted by Anonymous
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Answer by  MHuffman (80)

It allows you to control the power to many of the car's accessories, and allows the battery to send the power necessary to start it.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

When switched on it completes the circuit to allow the ignition to work as well as turns on other components. When pushed further it cause the starter to energize and spins the engine, causing the car to start. When the switch is turned all the way back it breaks the ignition circuit killing the engine.


Answer by  pardhan (92)

THe ingnition switch is the main component of the car which allows the car to be able to start. When you put your key in the ignition switch is what ignites the engine to spark


Answer by  Anonymous

ignite the car

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