
 eating  food


Question by  kristijan (14)

What does "sashimi grade" mean?

And does raw fish that I buy have to be sashimi grade for me to safely eat it raw?


Answer by  John (9008)

Sashimi grade is the highest possible grade for raw fish. This fish is the freshest and best possible. It is also the most expensive. Cheaper fish may be acceptable to eat raw, but it will vary with the fish and the only way to tell is to have been trained to recognize freshness in seafood.

posted by Anonymous
Nope. You can not witness with the human eye the abundance of live parasites within fish meat... Sashimi grade means the fish was frozen using special methods to kill off parasites that can potentially make humans sick.  add a comment

Answer by  Jen (54)

Sashimi grade means its definitely safe to be eaten raw. There's always a chance that you could get sick from eating raw fish though.

posted by Anonymous
Nope. A piece of fish that is sashimi grade is only that grade if the meat is properly maintained.... a simple defrost of the fish and freezing it again makes it not sashimi grade. Always be careful and know where your raw fish comes from.  add a comment

Answer by  ashley31 (263)

Sashimi grade means fish that tastes good enough to eat raw, traditionally thinly sliced and over rice balls in japan. Sashimi grade tastes better and slices more easily, but any fish is safe to eat raw.


Answer by  Anonymous

Sashimi grade is usually a lie. In order for a fish to be sashimi grade, the fish must be flash frozen once at 0 degrees in a special freezer for one hour to kill any parasites. it should then not be defrosted until it reaches your plate.

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