

Question by  jdening (57)

What does psychology say about masterbating?

Why do people do it?


Answer by  AnnWalkerKennedy (175)

Psychological research tells us that people - and, indeed, some animals - masturbate for self-stimulation, comfort, fantasy, and relief. Masturbation is a normal behavior unless it interferes with daily activities or replaces human interaction. Excessive masturbation may be related to a lack of impulse control or other brain dysfunction. Excessive masturbation is rare and treatable.


Answer by  CharlieShield (42)

People do it for pleasure. Psychologists have studied populations of people and know that it is a normal human behavior, unless it becomes somehow detrimental. For example, doing it once a day in private to relieve tension would be considered "normal"; obsessing about it, doing it several times a day, or doing it in public would not be normal.


Answer by  Anonymous

According to healthy psychology masturbation cause self isolation, lack in confidence, memory loss, lack of concentration, self guilt, poor eye sight, weaken body in general, addiction to other harmful habits. Solutions: stop looking at any sexual simulation, eat moderately, occupy your spare time with useful things


Answer by  Brian94588 (304)

Modern psychology says that it's harmless, natural and healthy to masturbate. People do it because it feels good and they enjoy it.

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