health conditions


Question by  worker7183 (30)

What does it mean if a man had a prostectomy a year ago, and his testicles itch?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

He probably has a rash or an allergic reaction and the itching has nothing to do with the protectomy. The prostectomy has healed properly and that should not be a factor in the testicular itching. A doctor should be able to tell more and the exact cause of the itching.


Answer by  raj76 (4)

It can be a secondary bacterial infection that can occur after a genitourinary surgery because the infection or itching causing bacteria reaches back to the deep of reproductive system like epididymis and this condition can reoccur at some months. Another cause for this itch is body immune response i. e inflammation which can occur due even without any bacterial infection


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Your testicles may itch due to a fungal infection, eczema, soap or shampoo allergy or a yeast infection. There are other things that could cause this itching. Talk to your doctor and tell them if you symptoms. You doctor can help prescribe something to help.


Answer by  chitraanilkumar (340)

i dont think is there any relation between prostectomy and testicles itch. The itching in the testicles are mostly due to fungal infections or bacterial infections. First ensure that the testicles are cleaned properly if not doit immediatly

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