

Question by  jodiahz (110)

What does it mean if a dog can't defecate?

Or is it that he won't?


Answer by  Alisa23 (82)

It means the dog is sick. Perhaps it has a poor diet. It can also mean intestinal blockage. The dog will need medical attention.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Not defacating for more than 2 days is a life threatening problem. The dog can have an intestinal blockage. He needs to go to the vet immediately for a X-ray.


Answer by  tripp (8)

There may be a few reasons a dog isnt having proper bowel movements. The dog may have injested something that may block the digestive tract. Another reason may be caused by a new medication or from switching dog foods, this sometimes may cause irregularity in bowel movements.


Answer by  HilaryC (1382)

If a vet told you the dog can't defecate it means that it is unable to go to the bathroom (poop). If it's he won't, he may simply be sick. Ask your vet what this means exactly for your dog.

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