health conditions


Question by  Tamiera (19)

What does it indicate if you have an increasing red blood count?


Answer by  SystemOwner (137)

An increasing red blood count can be a sign of the sickness called polycythemia. It can also be a sign of several other type of health problem such as pulmonary fibrosis, congenital heart disease or renal problems. Those who smoke generally have a higher number of red blood cells than non-smokers.


Answer by  alicekay (54)

It can be a sign of heart disease, kidney disease or your body is producing a lot of red blood cells a symptom of a blood marrow disorder.


Answer by  JM (125)

This event indicates that there is a decreased oxygen supply to the body resulting in a compensatory mechanism by the bone marrow to increase red blood cells.


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

It means that you have more red blood cells than before. It can be good depending on how much red blood cells you had before. Consult a physician for more details.


Answer by  mcdbeals (201)

If the white is increasing, that is a sign of infection. With red, it means the iron in your body is increasing.


Answer by  catysuzgirl2000 (578)

A red blood cell count ranges from 4.2-6.0 million for adults. A higher RBC count, called polycythemia, can be a sign of congenital heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis, or renal problems.

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