health conditions


Question by  Mike39 (320)

What does high hip sciatica mean?

I have recently been diagnosed with this and I need more information.


Answer by  NYCCDC (311)

You may be having sciatica which is caused by the piriformis muscle which is in your gluteal area. Consult with the person who gave you this diagnosis for clarification.


Answer by  Robs4thecubs (422)

High hip sciatica is a symptom that comes from a compressed nerve in the hip. The compression of the nerve can cause pain down the leg and near the buttocks.


Answer by  Aral (184)

This means that there's irritation around the nerve that travels through your hip and carries information about what's happening to your leg. It mainly causes pain.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The best thing you can do for that is either talk to your doctor or get medical dictionary and look it up. The other thing you can do is get on the internet and just start researching it they have a lot of really good information.


Answer by  jamminjan0208 (102)

A symptom known as "high hip sciatica" results from a compressed nerve in the hip, this can cause pain down the leg and near the buttocks region.


Answer by  Crystalb (163)

It is pain associated with a compressed nerve in the hip. It can be treated with medicine and will usually clear up on it's own.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, it is just a skin condition that means you may get some rash here and there. Prevention is through diet.

posted by Anonymous
Its NOT a skin condition!  add a comment
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