


Question by  endolvr (31)

What does an immobiliser bypass allow you to do?


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

Bypass systems allow you to literally bypass the VATS (Vehicle Anti-Theft System) or a similar system so that you can install and use a remote vehicle starter, after market keyless entry or alarm. Most times these are required for the remote starters only.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

It is a device installed in a car from the factory that lets you bypass the security system. The car can then be driven to fix the security issue.


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

Immobilisers disable the electronic ignition if the key that is in the lock doesn't match what the computer is programmed to identify. A bypass must be installed and programmed to match the key in order to install a remote starter system on such a car.

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