health conditions


Question by  ms42120 (35)

What does a rash with meningitis look like?


Answer by  Tonybone (80)

A common presentation of a meningitis rash is irregular, small red dots on chest, legs and palms and soles. This only applies to Nesseria and not other bacterial meningitis.


Answer by  azmaray (68)

meningitis with a typical haemorrhagic rash appears in meningococcal meningitis.It is characteristically reddish or brown pin prick can develop into purple bruises.the rash is also characteristically non blenchible.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

Sometimes meningitis rashes can look like small raised red bumps, almost like chicken pox. Other times they can be larger and look like a dark birthmark or like the skin is burnt.

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