
 eating  food


Question by  ABruncaj (10)

What do you eat on the apple cider vinegar diet?


Answer by  fishwich (28)

You can eat whatever you want on the apple cider vinegar diet, although it is a good idea to eat things that are nutritionally sound, such as lots of fruits and vegetables, and high quality protein. The apple cider prevents excess fat from being absorbed, but it is best not to overdo the amount of fat you eat.


Answer by  Pondsi (42)

You are able to eat whatever you want to eat on the apple cider vinegar diet. What is required is that you take 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar before every meal or snack. The vinegar can be taken in a small glass of water. Some dieters choose to sweeten the drink with a little honey.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The diet does not have a specific eating plan. The requirement is to take one, two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar straight up before each meal. Dieters claim they get used to the vinegar in a few days. There are apple cider vinegar pills, too.


Answer by  lisa3119 (41)

You can eat whatever you want. They key is taking the apple cider vinegar prior to eating a meal. I helps curb your appetite, plus it burns the fat.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

Generally I will have some bread and yogurt together with it, in most cases, I only regard it as a kind of special beverage.

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