reproductive health


Question by  Regina9940 (7)

What do you do if your tampon is stuck?

Do I have to go to a doctor?


Answer by  Doomstoned (1454)

If you are truly unable to remove your tampon, follow your instincts and immediately seek a physician for help. If a tampon remains internally for too long, this can induce toxic shock syndrome. Seek immediate medical help.


Answer by  kalip (355)

Try reaching into your vagina with your fingers and removing it. If you cannot get it out and you feel comfortable having someone else get it out, have them try. Make sure hands are always washed. If they cannot get it out either, it is best to go to the doctor.


Answer by  anniekiefera (359)

It is almost impossible to get a tampon stuck. If the rare case does occur let it fill with fluid or use some lubrication to get it out. In the worst case you may have to go to the doctor.


Answer by  Ali41 (1593)

Definitely go to your doctor. If you leave a tampon in for an extended period of time you can get sick. Specifically you will be at risk for something call TSS and it could also lead to an infection. When you call your doctor, be sure to insist on an appointment quickly.

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