

Question by  williamsjh (33)

What do I do for a boxer in heat?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If she's not being used for breeding get her Spayed. She will no longer go into heat and get blood all over the place. If she is being bred you can get her Doggy diapers to keep her from bleeding all over your house.


Answer by  mmn (369)

Keep her away from males! Pet stores now carry pet diapers designed for female dogs in heat to help keep your house and carpets clean.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Keep a close eye on her so that she doesn't end up pregnant from a male dog tying with her. Just keep her inside and wait for it to stop. It is much like a woman on her period. There is nothing you can really do accept let nature take it's course.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

You dog will be in heat for 2-3 weeks. They make dog diapers that you can put on your dog of leakage is an issue for you.

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