health conditions


Question by  randylearner (31)

What could itchy yellow bumps on the skin be?


Answer by  Kath (1537)

This could be impetigo, which is a skin infection. The yellow color usually indicates infection. It could be bug bites or an allergic reaction. Clean with soap and water, and keep the area clean and dry. You can try an over the counter cortisome cream, and if it does not imporve you may need to see a doctor.


Answer by  Deepakck (174)

This could be due to variety of reasons from insect bites to skin infection or skin allergy, Normally yellow coloration is due to infection but not all times. first you do a wash with soap or antiseptics and if there is no change for a day consult a skin specialist.


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

If the bumps are truly yellow and weren't caused by bug bites, it could be a skin infection called impetigo.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

Skin conditions usually need a visual assessment. Anytime "yellow" appears, it indicates an infection. The "itchy" can be caused by two things. First, an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines which create that itchy feeling. Second, skin is infected and dry. Keep area clean, try OTC antihistamines and cortisone cream. No improvement or worsens, see your doctor.


Answer by  cody (1331)

itchy yellow bumps on your skin could be a number of things like poison ivy its a plant that makes you itch and you need medicine or it could be poison sumac same symptoms different name.

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