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health conditions


Question by  YellowCar (87)

What could cause numbness on the bottom lower lip and to the left side?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

Any sort of damage or trauma to the nerves that supply those areas can cause numbness. One of the most common culprits is diabetes, but the symptoms are usually seen late in the course. Other etiologies include but are not limited to demyelinating syndromes, a growth or cancer, and viruses.


Answer by  kdem (551)

Nerve damage, or an impending allergic reaction. If swelling perceeds the numbness see a doctor right away anaphalactic shock could be on it's way.


Answer by  Mary39 (521)

You could have some nerve damage. One thing that it could be is Bells Palsy. This is a neurological disorder that causes paralysis to your face. What concerns me is that it's the left side of your face. Many times people have mini strokes and don't even know it. I would go to your doctor immediately.


Answer by  arthi (336)

if you are suffering from this problem for quite sometime then you need medical intervention. neural transmitters in our body continously supply impulses which in turn give feedback to our brain. but when some transmitters doesnt carry impulse we may develop this type of palsy in any part of our body


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

Numbness on the bottom lower lip and on over to your left side could be from nerve damaged or from a disease called Bells Palsey. It affects the nerves and make your face in certain areas numb and draws it also.


Answer by  Jenny25 (939)

Well this could mean a paralysis of the nerves. Thus you should check with your doctor so can conduct an xray.

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